

[花絮] 2020/4/8 「1979年後美台關係特展」開幕典禮


國立中山大學美國中心與美國在台協會(AIT)今起至 4 月底於中山大學西灣藝廊共同舉辦「1979年後美台關係特展」,展覽內容以歷史文件、老照片與多媒體檔案為主,回顧自1979年《台灣關係法》簽署以來,美國與台灣在工、商、衛生與醫療、文化及教育等各方面發展的緊密關聯,呈現美國在台協會在台耕耘40年的豐碩成果。本特展於 2020/4/8 舉行開幕典禮,由 AIT 高雄分處歐雨修處長、國立中山大學鄭英耀校長、郭志文國際長、藝文中心李美文主任共同參與啟動儀式,現場亦有多位師長與貴賓一同共襄盛舉。

National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Sun Yat-sen America Center, together with the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) jointly organized an exhibition to celebrate 40 years of U.S.-Taiwan relations since the signing of Taiwan Relations Act. The “U.S.-Taiwan Relations Since 1979” Exhibition, which will be at the Sizihwan Art Gallery NSYSU until the end of April – includes historical documents, old photographs, and multimedia presentations, narrating the details of the close collaboration of Taiwan and United States in industry, commerce, health and medicine, culture, and education. The opening ceremony of the exhibition took place on April 8th, 2020. Chief of the Kaohsiung Branch Office of the American Institute in Taiwan Matthew O'Connor, NSYSU University President Dr. Ying-Yao Cheng, NSYSU Vice President for International Affairs Dr. Chih-Wen Kuo, Director of NSYSU Art Center Dr. Mei-Wen Lee, and many professors and guests attended the ceremony.
