【留美講座】5/28 留美資料怎麼找
Topic: How to find info. on studying in the USA
※講座全程以中文進行。The session is entirely conducted in Chinese.
講者:傅鏡平先生 學術交流基金會教育顧問
Speaker: Mr. Clarence Fu, Education USA, Fulbright Taiwan (Foundation for Scholarly Exchange)
時間/Time:講座/Session 12:30 -13:30 PM 、個別諮詢/Consultation 13:30 - 14:00 PM
※因名額有限,建議事先線上報名 Prior online registration is advised due to the limitation to the number of particpants at the online video meeting room.
※因應疫情三級警戒,本次說明會將於視訊會議平台進行,請點擊以下連結進入線上會議室(自5月28日 12:20 起開放參與者登入):
Due to the level-3 alert for the pandemic, this session will be conducted through the online video meeting platform, which can be connected via the following linkage (access granted from 12:20 on May 28) :
(1) 建議以Google Chrome瀏覽器開啟上述視訊會議平台,並請以Gmail帳號登入。Google Chrome is recommended as the Internet browser for the video meeting platform. Please access the meeting room with Gmail account.
(2) 報名個別諮詢的同學,請自備麥克風(或確認筆電有內建麥克風可以收音)以便於線上平台內向講者提問。For those signing up for the consultation session, please prepare a microphone (or check if there's a built-in one in your laptop) to raise questions to the speaker online.